Jean Dolin is a communications major who is completing his degree through the Duet program at Southern New Hampshire University. He is finishing his program this year and wants graduate school to be his next step. Jean attributes much of his success to his relationship with his mentor, Bryan Buckley. “Mentorship,” he says, “can be the difference between making it and not making it.” Jean and Bryan have similar career interests, and Jean is thankful for the specialized resources and support his Alray mentor was able to provide. Not only does Jean appreciate having someone to report to, he is also looking forward to a lasting friendship with his mentor. Jean encourages people to consider becoming an Alray mentor, saying, “If you have experienced college on any level, your experience can always serve somebody else.”
Looking back on his experience with Alray, Jean wants to encourage students who are on the fence about returning to school to take the steps to complete their degree, telling applicants “Do not let anything stop you.”