Advise scholars

Join the Alray Scholars Program Career Advising Board!

The Need

Many Alray scholars have overcome many obstacles to return to higher education, so many are motivated to earn the degree to unlock meaningful careers that will support themselves and their families. To ensure that the college degree propels scholars towards rewarding careers, we have designed a career service component based on our 10+ years of experience working with adult students. One need that has come up for our scholars is the need for additional career exploration and networking beyond their assigned Alray mentor to understand the wide range of available career opportunities. 

 We have realized that although the mentorship component has been successful and helpful to our scholars, our one-on-one mentoring model limits the amount of career exposure scholars are able to have with their Alray mentors. For that reason, we are recruiting experienced professionals to join our career advising board so every scholar has access to a whole community of people supporting their career success. 

Career Advising Board Overview 

The Career Advising Board will be made of 6-8 members working in fields related to STEM, Law, Business, and Human & Social Services to help scholars navigate career planning and provide networking opportunities. The Alray Career Advisory Board will be responsible for connecting with scholars who have questions about different career paths. These connections will serve as opportunities for scholars to gain insightful advice and understanding about different fields, career paths, academic, and professional decisions. 

When scholars inquire about a career path or a meeting with an advisor, an Alray staff will connect the scholar with the advisor. Advisor is expected to connect with the scholar within two weeks of the request. 

Career Advising Board Responsibilities

  • Meet with scholars to provide career and academic advice 
  • Connect scholars with other industry leaders to help scholars grow their professional network 
  • When relevant, make scholars aware of initiatives and connections at your company that may be of interest to scholars
  • Participate in Alray events like panel talks, celebrations, and graduation party
  • Estimated time commitment: 2 hours per month

Who We Are Looking For

  • Has at least 5 years of experience in their field and/or company working in fields related to STEM, Law, Business, and Human & Social Services
  • Has a passion for mentoring others 
  • Has experience of being a first-generation college graduate, having interruptions in their college journeys, and/or other obstacles to accessing and graduating from higher education


Our Scholars

Graduates and counting

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