Alray Scholars Program Application

We are excited that you have decided to apply to the Alray Scholars Program!

The online application consists of sections that ask for detailed personal, education, and work information. There are a few short-answer questions as well.

Keep in mind that:
  • We anticipate that the application will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. 
  • All fields marked with an asterisk (*) on the application are required.
  • You will not be able to save your progress on the form. Please consider scrolling through the application to look at the questions to give you time to gather any information needed to complete the application.
Please send any questions about the application to

Basic Program Eligibility Check

The questions below establish whether you are eligible to apply for the Alray Scholars Program.

If you answered "No" to any of the above 3 questions, you are NOT eligible to apply for the Alray Scholars Program. Please do not continue with the application.

If you answered "Yes" above, you are NOT eligible to apply for the Alray Scholars Program. Please do not continue with the application.

Student Information

Home Address

Mailing address

Education Information

High School Information

Please enter the information requested below for each college you have attended.
Previous College Experience

Previous College #2

Previous College #3

Next Semester's College Information

Work Experience

Current Employer

Most Recent Employer

Financial Information

Short-Response Questions                                                                                

Demographic Information                                                                                    

Sharing your demographic information will help us better understand who we are reaching and who we are not, allowing us to better target our outreach and programs in the future. Your demographic information will not be shared with others outside of our team. Your responses to the following questions will not be used in determining your acceptance into our program.