After personal issues required him to take some time away from school, Brendan Attridge found himself caught up in the responsibilities he had to his job and his family. He began to wonder if it was too late for him to complete his degree, but after a community member shared information about Alray, Brendan was relieved to know that he was not alone. Not only was he paired with a supportive mentor, Lisa Tuite, but he was also encouraged to know that there was a community of adult learners who had encountered barriers as well.

Now, Brendan has graduated from Lesley University with an interdisciplinary degree that combines psychology, social work, holistic health and wellness, and child homelessness studies; he applies these skills to his job at a transitioning home, where he continued to work while he finished his bachelor’s degree. He is thankful to his mentor and Alray for helping him navigate the hurdles of returning to higher education as an adult learner. Brendan plans to continue to graduate school in order to better support the people he works with. Brendan is grateful for both the fiscal support and mentorship he received as he navigated higher education as an adult learner, saying, “With Alray came security.”