Mission, Vision, and Values
The Alray Scholars Program

Mission, Vision, and Values
The Alray Scholars Program
Our Mission
Through mentoring and financial support, we give promising graduates of Boston Public Schools a second chance at a college education, assisting them in overcoming hurdles to earn their degree and become stronger contributors to the Greater Boston community.

Our Vision
All Boston Public School graduates will have access to the financial, academic, and emotional support they need to re-enroll in college, earn their degree, and ultimately become economically self-sufficient and civically engaged.
Achieving Our Goals
High school students from the inner city often have to navigate a minefield of obstacles and distractions to get to college. But once they get on campus, too many find that their college careers can be easily derailed, sometimes as a result of small missteps that can cascade into something far more serious. Without strong support systems in place to help these students recover, many who leave the college path find it extremely difficult to get back on it. A recent study demonstrated that the percentage of Boston Public School (BPS) graduates who finish college falls well below the national average and well below the rates of students from public schools in suburban Boston. The Alray Scholars Program was designed for precisely that kind of student: A promising individual from Boston who had the smarts and drive to overcome hurdles and get to college but who needs some crucial assistance in finding a way back there.

We believe relationships are the heartbeat of Alray
- We seek to develop authentic, personal connections with scholars, staff, volunteers, donors and partner organizations
- We trust our scholars to pay it forward, knowing their contributions make us stronger
- We are scholar-centric in our decision making
- We celebrate the small and large accomplishments – having fun while we do this hard work
We see and hear every member of our Alray community
- We embrace diversity, equity and inclusion
- We actively listen to what our scholars are saying they need
- We seek to understand and learn from each other’s experiences and journeys
- We believe everyone deserves another chance
We recognize injustices and work to make things right
- We take calculated risks and challenge the status-quo
- We have a problem-solving mindset
- We are nimble and think creatively to find personalized, effective solutions
- We are willing to fail forward and learn as we go
We know the path to success can be long and bumpy; we are not deterred
- We ground our aspirations in reality, and never lose sight of our vision for the future
- We set bold but achievable goals and stay focused on moving forward
- We stick with our scholars for as long as it takes them to reach their goals
- We hold each other accountable

Our Staff and Board of Directors
We have an active and caring staff and board who works closely with our scholars.

Our Scholars
Graduates and counting
Our Mission
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